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July 17, 2008


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two crazy crafters

I wish that would happen to me but it never does. Your purchases are beautiful! As always your pictures are great! Twyla


Hi Barbara,

They look wonderful - what lucky finds. Oh, and I would LOVE to live in that cottage in the picture...sigh
J x


Oh my gosh, you find the BEST things. I love all of these flower pictures and your photos are great
Thanks for sharing.

jessi nagy

just gorgeous!!
love the old trays.


What is that stand they are setting on?


Oh and that blue, blue lake! What a gorgeous painting.

Kim V

You found some wonderful treasures you lucky girl!
Love them!
Happy treasure hunting!


Just so you know, your beautiful pictures always make me drool. And, if you move into that cottage, please rent me a room.

Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss

oh! Beauty!

Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss

oh! Beauty!


I love everything! Great finds. Also, did you see my comment on your other post about how I tagged you? You can find out more on my site!


These are all so beautiful. Lucky you that you came across so many goodies. Enjoy!


what nice finds!
will you be putting them all together or spliting them up around the house?
i really like those trays
i kind of collect trays..

susans at black eyed susans kitchen

Beautiful...I especially liked the miniature with the pansies. Just beautiful! Susan


Great finds! Maybe you could share some of your photography secrets? I've been trying to show off some thrifting finds, but the pics just don't do them justice!


JEALOUS!!!!!!!! And I love Jane's Wall,too. You're well on your way to your own version. I collect violets....and pansies and ..........


JEALOUS!!!!!!!! And I love Jane's Wall,too. You're well on your way to your own version. I collect violets....and pansies and ..........

Lindsey and Twyla

Barbara, You must have a beautiful house! I love checking your blog everyday and seeing what eyecandy you have to show!
Have a good weekend, Lindsey

Julie Fredericksen

It has always been my dream to live in a thatched cottage in rural England.

Last night after book club, one of the members tucked a brown paper sack into my car with me. She said they were from her trip to Scotland. When I got home I found a beautiful painted china plate and a thistle pin. Wow - sometimes the universe smiles on us. Even tho I probably will never get to the British Isles I am blessed.

Carmen @ Thrifted Cottage Dreams

Wow! Love all of those things! You are so lucky to have found those! I'm jealous!

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