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September 07, 2008


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Those blue & green buttons look so yummy together! I dont usually get into watching football too much, but I have found myself lately wanting to watch some.


I love the Steelers as well. Black and gold, baby. Any team from Pittsburgh rocks. Steelers, Pens, Pirates...PITT. Love them all.

pasha plum

Alas, I cannot abide football but I do love to sort buttons, so guess we can still be friends :-)


Hi! Is there a way to find you on ebay? Love your blog~


So, have you made any button crafts yet? The button tree uses a LOT of buttons. (Do not underestimate how many it will use!) There is a link to a tute on the sidebar of my blog I think. They turn out lovely with vintage buttons.


Okay first Congrats to your daughter :) I am salivating over your buttons! Finally I love FOOTBALL! My husband doesn't. Strange huh? I don't follow it at all anymore. The funniest thing ever happened a few years ago while I was watching the Pro Bowl. My husband came in the room and asked why they were all wearing different helmets. I really love him.


I'm doing buttons too! I found a bunch in a bag at the thrift store but I have no idea what I've got because I don't "know" buttons! I want to make a button tree though. Can I just say GO REDSKINS? thanks.....

LiLi M.

Now I first had to read the comments of your previous post to see which items I should avoid when entering the GS circuit (and why? as I told you there are no Gs's here). And I don't know anything about american football (or any other sports). I know everything about button sorting though and now I want to know what a button tree is, so I'm off.

Yep a bit strange these awards. This was the first time I have given one to other bloggers. You can do with it as ypu please of course. My reward was already having you crying at my blog ;-D

LiLi M.

No i will not make a button tree.

Beth Leintz

Beautiful buttons- perfect way to spend a rainy day.

julie thompson

I should not be surprised that we share another interest in common....football. And I've never, ever been a Dallas fan ;-)


WOW! That is quite an impressive assortment/collection!!


OOOOOOO, I love all your buttons!!! I haven't been able to find any of the really cool colors. Mostly, white, black and brown! I'll have to check out your etsy store once you list them!

Go Bears!


Great buttons! I also have too many and I started sorting them, but I got stuck halfway.


What about the Eagles?? Makes no difference to me you see, as I am a baseball fan, but I was just wondering.

And you have ALOT of buttons.


I was just moving buttons around the other day and thinking "what in the world am I going to do with all of these buttons?" But I still couldn't part with any!!!!


I have to agree with you I need to stay clear of Yard & Tag Sales, my own Attic needs clearing out. I did have a Garage Sale last weekend so that is a start ( : Good Luck stay strong and keep clear of Garage Sales.
Hugs, Diane

karla nathan

Its fun to sort buttons when they look like that! I usually have more blah and dirty ones than pretty bright ones!


oh my goodness, all those buttons! i love buttons!!


congrats to your daughter, bad boy to the pony and yeeck to football (well sports in general)

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