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November 28, 2008


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I did my part, I had left over pecan pie for breakfast. It was good, but I felt a little guilty. :) I've already started that whole... "I'm gonna start a diet soon" talk. Have a great weekend. xoxo, Joanna

Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss

I WISH I could make a pie like that! I've tried and tried.......that picture of the boys is ADORABLE! and you lucky girl to have sooo many cardboard houses! Can't wait to see it all!
Pies are calling my name at my house too! Must go tend to them now!

LiLi M.

Sorry no leftovers here so I started to eat the Christmas stars already mmmm this is the second package I have to admit. I'll be back on Monday. Hope you survive the weekend and the photo on your blog of those gorgeous boys ( I'm going to make your action a little worse) does too!


My favorite breakfast is pumpkin pie and a large creamy cup of French Roast! Truly! LOL!

I'm glad your family enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving. It's been a treat to see your turkeys and your other lovely decorations.


hehe got a giggle out of the comment about not being happy about having his pic on your blog

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