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April 11, 2010


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one gal's trash

My favorite part: "resolve to stop reading articles about freshening up your closets..." I join you in your resolve.


Your daffodils are outstanding!

Go back to work today and rest up, will you?


Our weekend project was starting 4,000 miles of cedar privacy fencing. At least 100 trips to Lowes was required. LOL

Carol @ Old Glory Cottage

Frankly,I am exhausted after reading all of that! I'm about to do something that goes against what the rest of the family wants. I am painting the porch railing white, without telling anyone I'm doing it. They always think my ideas are crazy at first, but then they come around. Wish me luck....


What a busy weekend! Your gardens are way ahead of mine - and I'm jealous of your 'junk pile'!


You make me feel like a big fat slug!

Sandy B

You poor little thing. Hope you and the bluebirds get happier soon!


Wow sounds like you're going to be busy ;) Have a great week!


Yikes, I'm exhausted just reading about your weekend. My bluebird houses aren't near as pretty as yours, but I am excited as there are eggs in them. Your flowers are lovely.

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