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August 02, 2010


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Sue H.

I would love to win this book! I want to read one more chapter (and then another and another), toooooo!


I admit it, I was drooling over the yellow Pyrex and then I saw the Lu-Ray dishes, which I do collect, by the way, and then I got intrigued by the book. A fellow blogger and junker, I have to have it. Please count me in thanks.


I'd love a copy of the book - I also would love for you to be my personal shopper - as I can't afford a personal shopper - I will have to settle for a chance at the book :-)
Seriously if I win the lottery you may expect a phone call.


Inspired by all your fabulous finds, I tried attending my first estate sale this weekend. Your post about the getting there early is right...I think I might have had to campout the night before to get just 1/3 the cool stuff you get.

I'd love a.chance at a good read. I'm waiting for Maeve Binchy's next and I appears i'll have a while.


I am not a collector of stuff, but love your blog just the same. I am originally from your neck of the woods and always feel nostalgic when I see your neat finds. I am a reader and a sewer however and would love to be included in this giveaway! Congratulations on your hard work paying off this weekend!

Christina J.

I love the tin flowers - how unique!

Cherie Moore

Oh, how I love those flowers too! I was never into many of the vintage things you find but I love your blog and I think your love of them is rubbing off on me :) I have a special fondness for the knee-hugging pixies with I always called elves and now have several. While I don't think I have "official" swanky-swigs, I did by a pitcher and 4 glasses with white swans on them that I love. Anyway, I enjoy your blog as much and maybe even more than the quilting blogs I follow, so thank you!


Fabulous finds, as always!! And I would love to read that book. So thank you, thank you for the chance at this giveaway!

Lavender Dreams

Sounds like a fun book! Thanks for being so sweet to share! Have a wonderful week! ♥

Stephanie Coop

Yes, gotta love the flowers! The book would be fun to read......Thanks for the opportunity.


I would really enjoy winning the book, but I must say I adore the flowers too. And they are a once in a lifetime find.


Oh man, you have been finding some real treasures. I just read your last post about the Gurley candles. Green with envy ~ that's what I am :).
However, this book sounds delightful and I would love the chance to enter your giveaway.
Thanks for the opportunity.


You always find the best stuff. I know if I lived closer we could be great junking buddies. I would love a chance to win the book. Thanks.

Linda @ A La Carte

I love those tin flowers and the LuRay is gorgeous. I have a few pieces and would love some plates. Sigh...maybe I can find some at a good price. Love Mary Kay's books and this one is a fun read. So nice of you to give one away but don't enter me as I have a copy! Let someone else enjoy this great author who I got to junk with along with Sue when they did their throw down!!


Looks like a FUN read - count me in!! S-

laurie magpie ethel

I've read quite a few of the books by Mary Kay and they are a great read. (I've read the one you are giving away...you don't have to throw my name in the hat...not a good re-reader). Love the flowers...always a sucker for handmade flowers! One of my favorite finds ever is a huge bunch of straw flowers (handmade).

Amy Sumrall

I always look forward to your new blog posts, I love your writing style. I already read that book so I am not entering, but yes, I liked it a lot!


That $3 bunch of flowers is awesome!

Please count me in on the book give away, I need a pleasant distraction right now.


It has been so long since I attended an auction. I love them but seem to be too busy to get out to one. I do visit the local 'Nice Twice' whenever I can and buy what ever Pyrex they have.
Love your blog and visit daily.

Carol @ Old Glory Cottage

Those flowers are fantastic, and I'm so glad you bought them! And there's only one word that comes to mind when I see any Lu-Ray: yummy!
Please throw my name in the Pyrex bowl!

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