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October 22, 2010


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I can feel your fabric love through your words. I think if I found that quilt I would have a baby just so I could take snuggly pictures.


What a wonderful find! All the fabrics are adorable, and the typewriter fabric is to die for. I don't think I could sell it.

I am definitely going to use this pattern for my next crib quilt.

Linda @ A La Carte

Love this quilt also. I will be needing a crib quilt soon for my new grandbaby!

Lavender Dreams

I am SO in love with quilts right now! I am on the lookout for a special one to enjoy this winter! I love the pretty fabric with blue background with white flowers! So precious! ♥

melony at whimsy daisy!

Enjoyed the quilt tour very much! :)


Look at those shirtings, I have spent two weeks trying to find a dozen shirtings that are useable with other fabs...

Love it and someone got a gem.


It is a gorgeous quilt. Thanks for sharing all the details here.

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