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June 05, 2011


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LiLi M.

What a start of the week! For me, that is. What is better than to read about your amazing finds at a sale. A cow tape measure?! Will I ever be happy (again) without one? To be continued.


I don't see this show being cancelled any time soon!


The exact same thing happend to me with the measuring tape....when I unrolled it at home I started laughing out loud! I kind of like it, though I don't think any livestock is in my future!


Was this on Halfway Rd.?!


"Gurleypalooza"? Ha, ha... I'm still laughing over this term.


What a great score! Of course, my favorite is the cow tape, followed closely by the metal hamper and the tomato pincushions. Somebody should bring back those pincushions -- adding the tape measure was such a great idea.

Barbara, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful estate/yard sale season!

Maria (Magia Mia)

Life's too short to be embarrassed......do tell. :-)

How does one identify an early Gurley without its cellophane?

I've spent the last 20 years attempting to extricate myself from soap operas. Other than a subterranean lifestyle, the options are limited.

freckled hen

I will trade you some livestock for that Sanitoy nursery set.


Holy COW!

Renee Dahl

I love to stop and see what great finds you have. You never fail me. These are fantastic. Cannot pick a favorite. Wonderful scores, stories and the like...thanks for sharing...smiles...Renee

laurie magpie ethel

I am glad the estate sale was the mental commercial break that you needed from your current soap opera situation. I hope the next episode gets better...

cow tape measure is awesome


I grew up watching GH, and occasionally I'd see the others at my grandma's house, but never The Edge of Night. So glad that you got away for a bit. The thing with soap operas....the same story lines seem to play over and over and over again.

Love the metal basket. That's a good one!

Brenda Kula

You just put me in stitches! The good kind!

Carol @ Old Glory Cottage

If I found that picnic tin in the first minutes of walking into a sale, I'd relax so much that you'd have to scrape me off the floor!


Dear B - the Estate Gods were smiling upon you - despite your rather cavalier remark to Mr. Oodles as you departed home (sniff). Tomatoe Tapes - sound cool to me LOL Jewels


Every weekday, 4:00 P.M., I watched The Edge of Night with my Grandmother...so you brought back fond memories for me, my friend! That nursery set is to die for. Have seen them on Ebay for way too much money, and never brand spanking new looking. The cow measuring tape is a new one for me. One never knows what you'll find...:)

Into Vintage

I'm trying to figure out if those are very large tomato pincushions or a very small picnic hamper. Or do I need to bump up my grocery store reading glasses to 1.75?

alice and jay

The Edge of night rocked! Did you catch any of The Secret Storm? :) LOVE your humor!

one gal's trash

SCORE-a-Palooza! Well done, Mrs. Karr!

mary kay andrews

My dear Aunt Alice and her best friend always watched Edge of Night to discuss. One afternoon, Alice got home from the grocery store to hear her phone ringing. Answering it, she heard Loretta wailing "Did you see, did you see? Jeff got hit by a car!" Since my aunt's youngest son was named Jeff, she nearly fell out. (Southern expression.) Of course, it was Edge of Night Jeff, not Cousin Jeff, who was the fatality. Great scores, Barbara!

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