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August 13, 2014


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Melissa's Antiques

Between you and Gina's posts... I'm itching to go to Bouckville!

Eddie Mitchell

What a coincidence! I am having pie for breakfast at this very moment. Thanks for my new justification for this dietary practice!


Bouckville is on my bucket list! I saw on Gina's Instagram that it was raining yesterday. Hope you stayed dry. But truth be told, I wouldn't mind getting drenched if the promise of so much vintage Christmas was on the horizon.


Stacey Johnson

Amazing vintage Christmas! Love that snowman


Oh my gosh, look at all those indents!! Well done.

Musings from Kim K.

That cardboard streetlight is fabulous! The perfect addition to your Putz village.

Cherie in St Louis

I enjoy your humor so much and get a thrill every time I see you have a new post even though I don't collect much of what you search for (Christmas ornaments aside). I was helping a friend clean out her mother's house and rescued a Gurley pink bunny and an orange witch right before they landed in the dumpster. The witch has been been lit, horrors, but didn't burn for long. Any chance you'd like to give them a home? I'd be happy to mail them to you.


I'm going to guess that the icicles were from Hutzler's?

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